Праграма Belarus Beehive адкрывае прыём праектных заявак на падтрымку журналісцкіх расследаванняў па выкрыцці карупцыі, абыходу санкцыяў, схаваных механізмаў функцыянавання ўладаў, рэпрэсій супраць грамадзянскай супольнасці, удзелу ў знешняй агрэсіі
і адказных за пералічанае.
We Work
Our project includes financial support, expert guidance, and organizational capacity development
for Belarusian civil society organizations.
We collaborate with international partners to provide our beneficiaries with the resources and knowledge necessary for sustainable development and future democratic transformations.

The main goal of this project proposal competition is to develop a sustainable civil society as an actor of democratic change in Belarus.
This means strengthening the technical capacity and resources of civil society organizations to promote democratic changes and achieve the missions and goals of these organizations.

Supporting civil society as a key driver of democratic transformation of Belarus